BREAKING NEWS! Merchant Lynx introduces LYNX POS Hybrid Point of Sale System
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You are invited to enter the world of Merchant Services with the leading company in the industry

Where do you see yourself at MerchantLynx?

Why Work for Us

Work Smart

Merchantlynx headquarters in Palm Beach, FL operates as a flat organization full of collaboration and sharing ideas. Newly renovated open space with standing desks lends itself to a friendly almost family style organization. There is more to work than just daily grind. We operate with integrity and are transparent about all our business practices that have been fine tuned over the last 10 years. We don’t believe in wasting people’s time because time is money. Our aim is mutual gain.

Tap into your Potential

At Merchantlynx, we realize our employees are our best assets, multi-talented individuals who want to grow in their roles. As a rapidly evolving company, we want to grow and want you to grow as well. At red, we are more that just sales agents; we are a team of business professionals with proven ability to be a leader in the market of Payment Solutions. We keep commitments, not secrets and turn data into relationships, relationships into closed deals. How do we do this? By tapping into the talent of our people and providing them with all the ingredients for success. Red rewards.

Why work for MerchantLynx?

As a full payment solutions company specializing in merchant services, you will work with some of the best and brightest people out there. A family style culture that operates in a direct and straightforward manner fosters loyalty among colleagues. Always ahead of the industry, we are gearing up to launch our own mobile payments application. Red Payments acknowledges and celebrates your success through bonuses and other incentives, including monetary incentives and gamification.