BREAKING NEWS! Merchant Lynx introduces LYNX POS Hybrid Point of Sale System
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eCommerce Processing

Point-of-Sale Applications Web Site Applications

Merchant Lynx Services has spoken to many business owners run down from draining and unproductive e-commerce payment processing services and systems. If not done right the first time, you lose valuable time, capital, safety online and not to mention your credibility.

We Enable Our Clients to:

E-commerce Processing Solutions

Merchant Lynx Services has spoken to many business owners run down from draining and unproductive e-commerce payment processing services and systems. If not done right the first time, you lose valuable time, capital, safety online and not to mention your credibility.

If you are running an e-commerce payment service online you, life does not have to end this way! With the help from our dedicated staff, we can help you with the best payment gateway online. They can make it undemanding for you, your employees, and your clients to get their e-commerce credit card processing done the safe way.

This helps you to process more transactions while reducing your overheads. All of our merchant services are compliant with PCI and maintains the uppermost safety measure standards. You can worry less while we take care of the rest.

Let Us Help You with Your e-Commerce Merchant Account

Leave your e-commerce in our capable hands and if you are only starting out fresh, we can help you with your own:

 E-commerce Merchant Account

 Manual processing of credit/debit cards

 Point-of-Sale Applications

 Real-time processing of credit/debit cards

 Shopping cart platform using a database

 Web Site Applications

 Third Party Shopping cart platforms and more

If you have any questions about e-commerce payment processing contact us and learn more how we can help optimize your business online with the best e-commerce credit card processing services.