BREAKING NEWS! Merchant Lynx introduces LYNX POS Hybrid Point of Sale System
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Debit Card Processing for your business.

We Enable Our Clients to:

Debit Card Processing For Small Business

Clients love debit card processing do you know why! It is a convenient and secure payment method for clients who keep track on their spending with the available funds on the go.

As with credit card payments done online, debit card processing online is becoming more of a demand. The reason is that many clients want to make payments online with their debit card. What this means for you as a business is that you can be losing out on sales if you do not have an integrated POS in place.

How Does Debit Card Processing Work

Debit card processing is very similar to credit card payments as once a customer swipes their card through your merchant terminal, the terminal reads the chip on the card. It then transmits the information through to the card-processing network.

The network makes sure the transactions formatted correctly and forwards the information the customer’s bank. The bank validates the card and confirms the available funds for the transaction to take place. The network notifies the merchant again through the debit processing that the transactions approved. This happens in a couple of seconds.

The information received is the same as paying by credit card with the debit card number, the amount of the transaction and the date of the transaction. It also included the merchant name, location, and category code used if there is a rewards program in place.

The client uses a personal encrypted pin to make the transaction go through. If the client does not have the available funds, the transactions declined.

Merchant Lynx Services can help you set up your payment gateway debit card processing, making sure that you are not one of the many statistics on-line and off-line missing potential businesses leading to added sales.

We are a leader in debit card processing for small businesses – and honestly, whether you are small to large business we can help you set up a credit and debit card processing system today.